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Oldsmar Child Abuse Counseling

Oldsmar Child Abuse Counseling IMAGE3 300x200Children are part of a community’s most vulnerable population. Child abuse is a sensitive matter that dramatically draws public attention. If you know children who have been victims of abuse, helping them out isn’t just about talking and providing a safe environment. Remember that one’s mind can be too dangerous without anyone else knowing.

Seek medical help and professional counseling if you truly care for that child’s future. Winning at Home Tampa Bay reaches out to children who have experienced dreadful events at an early stage in life. We provide a careful evaluation of the situation, which includes checking for physical and behavioral damage.

Child abuse counseling is an area of specialization under mental health counseling that deals with helping abused children effectively overcome their traumas for them to lead a healthy and normal life. Child abuse counseling covers a wide scope of approaches such as medical care, family counseling, social work services, or play therapy.

There are various types of abuse to children. Whether it be physical, verbal, emotional, or domestic abuse, all forms must be equally set about. Our counselors, serving Oldsmar, FL, will work through feelings and emotions practically shattered by the experienced abuse. We aim to keep children from going into worst-case scenarios such as growing up violent, disconnected, or developing post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, or somatization disorder.

Contact Winning at Home Tampa Bay at (727) 513-4505 for a free initial consultation with our Oldsmar child abuse counselor now.

Types of Techniques for Child Abuse Counseling

Oldsmar Child Abuse Counseling Canva Monochrome Photo of Person Sitting on Curb 300x200Aside from the common psychotherapy, abused children must receive different and subtle approaches to provide a healthy and non-pushy healing environment. Normally, abused people are provided help through talking and the following:

1. Play Therapy

This is a psychodynamic counseling technique used with a child who is under the age of 11. Since children tend to mimic what they have seen or experienced, it is an effective approach to evaluate your child’s situation properly. The children will reenact their abuse incidents through dolls and dollhouses, action figurines, memory games, or guessing games.

We use play therapy to aid the children in distinguishing right from wrong behaviors. Through this, we can teach your children healthy coping management and guide them through the entire healing process. The therapist provides support and a nurturing environment for the child.

2. Art Therapy

Art therapy is a psychological technique that is often used in hospitals and university settings. Art therapy enables your children to have an opportunity to relay sensitive topics and fully express how they feel about what they have experienced.

This type of therapy is really helpful when your children are not good at articulating their feelings and emotions. This is a nice way to redirect sadness and fears through colors and figures.

3. Talk Therapy

This is a goal-oriented, psychological technique used to treat children and adolescents who have experienced abuse. Talk therapy primarily aims to reduce anxiety and remediate behavioral issues caused by traumatic abuse. If your children can already fully understand the meaning of abuse, talk therapy is appropriate for them.

Talk therapy helps the children to understand better and skillfully cope with their emotions. This can also be used together with other treatments such as medication, support groups, or art therapy. Talk therapy makes your children express what they truly feel and think about the horrific event.

4. Family Therapy

Family therapy is a psychological technique that can help abused children and their whole families in managing and overcoming the effects of abuse. Issues involved in such happenings are dysfunctional communication patterns, anger and rage issues, domestic violence, generational abuse, or substance abuse.

Family therapy starts with abused children attending personal therapy sessions and then followed by the family joining the sessions. This approach focuses on resolving problems within the family that are present during the abuse or have developed after the abuse occurred. The family as a whole must understand what is happening to one of the members, a vulnerable one at that. However, these techniques can only be applicable if the abuse didn’t come from another member of the family, or the whole family in a worse case.

Reaching Hands of Child Abuse Counselors in Oldsmar

person struggling with mental healthWe have faced many cases of child abuse through the many years of providing guidance to the ones at risk. Child abuse has been present for decades, and the increasing number of affected children is becoming too alarming to handle. When the damage is done, our caring hands and listening ears are ready to save these young lives.

Winning at Home Tampa Bay is composed of the most reliable shoulders and understanding hearts of mental health professionals. Our therapists are well-trained and fully knowledgeable of the proper process of identifying abuse, calming furious and scared minds, and rectifying visual pieces of evidence of child abuse.

The effects awaiting an abused child is just too much to handle by a fragile being. Our Oldsmar, FL counselors whole-heartedly offer help to those who are willing to get away from such a tragic experience.

Ask Help Now!

Oldsmar Child Abuse Counseling winning logoThe consequences of one’s horrible acts can be worse than anyone can perceive. Child abuse must be stopped as much as abused children must be helped. Seeing someone suffering from abuse or the effects of abuse should never be kept in the dark.

Contact Winning at Home Tampa Bay at (727) 513-4505 for a free initial consultation with our Oldsmar child abuse counselor now.